My Future Career and ICT

Career and ICT

It is not possible to plan a day in the future without ICT. Due to the ubiquitous use of ICT, it will not be possible to avoid ICT, either in hiring employees of an organization or in creating an organization itself. Be aware of yourself enough to develop skills in ICT in your career. Without basic skills in general office software, the internet, email, and social media, it will be difficult to get a job anywhere in the future. On the other hand, specialized demand for programming, website building, computer security, etc. is increasing tremendously. Global information and communication technology is a big area of career formation.

Computers are the main tools of information and communication technology.

Computers are the main tools of information and communication technology. It includes all the unimaginable computers, the internet, mobile, etc., and how much work there is on the computer. Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Office Automation Systems, Design, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic Engineering, Mobile Communication, Data Communication, etc. There are thousands of such career names. The door of programming possibilities is being opened day by day in all the countries of the world. The demand for programming is currently very high. Everything is now computerized, and programs are created with different software. This is done through programming various apps on the smartphone. The way technology is advancing, it is possible to control the air conditioning of the house sitting in the office at one time. 

People can be diagnosed through mobile devices. The size of electronic devices is getting smaller and their capacity is increasing it will increase further. Everything from cooking to satellite operation will come under human control. Everything will be managed through computer programming.

Freelancing sites are now the best programmers in our country sitting in the country can work for world-renowned companies like Google-Microsoft Intel Facebook. Moreover, if a good programmer wants, he can open his own software firm.

Programming as a profession has distinct importance. Because there are many opportunities to prove yourself through various competitions. This is why studying at a university in one's own country has created an opportunity to work directly in big companies including Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and many other well-known software developers in the world. 

Every year, many people from small countries are using their talents to position themselves in these companies. Another interesting thing is that in most cases there is no need to apply to these big companies. They find good programmers from different countries themselves.

There are many benefits to working in the information and communication technology sector. There is an opportunity to do this without going to any office. Good companies in developed countries allow working in developing countries like ours because of the scarcity of workers in their own country.

The workers in our country are world-class. At present, many ICT workers in our country, including programmers, are working from home through the Internet in big companies in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

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Good skills are required to work freelancing. In this case, if you have good skills in the English language, it is an advantage. ICT also has the opportunity to work on computer networks. Companies that use their own servers need skilled people to build and maintain their computer networks. So the job market situation is much better and the demand for people skilled in information communication technology is increasing day by day. Many expect its demand to double in the next 2-3 years.

Several software companies have already been created in many countries. Those who are exporting various software mobile apps made in Bangladesh to other countries of the world. This is a matter of pride for us. Many students of the present young generation have become involved in this profession. Many more skilled workers will be needed in the future, so it is necessary to be aware from now on to increase one's skills considering the bright prospects of ICT as a career.

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Hi, I'm Redwan. Although, professionally I am better known as Redwiat. Also, another identity of mine is that I am a technology blogger or writer and most people in the internet world know me as a tech content writer. I am also a professional Web Application Developer. Also, I have been working on WordPress Customization since 2016. I am currently studying cyber-security on the internet. Although in the background I was a student in the business department. Still, I have had a deep interest and love for coding and programming since I was little. So I came to the world of computers and the Internet with the help of many blog websites including YouTube, and Google. And I'm always learning something new. And always want to learn something new and be a good person at the same time. facebook youtube twitter external-link

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